If you have arranged with your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner to have repeat prescriptions of regular treatment, you can request them here. Please clearly state which items you require and we’ll endeavour to get your prescription ready for you after 2 working days or Requests made after 4pm will be actioned the next working day.
You can also request your regular, acute or controlled medication by calling your designated pharmacy who will request items electronically on your behalf. Medications can also be requested by the NHS App.
To order your prescription here, please use the form below to clearly state which items you require and we’ll endeavour to get your prescription ready for you after 2 working days.
We are unable to issue more than 2 months of medication at a time.
Should you run out of your medication when the practice is closed, visit your local pharmacy who may be able to give you an emergency supply.
We encourage all patients to register with a preferred pharmacy so their prescription can be sorted electronically. This way you can order and pick up your prescriptions from your chosen pharmacy.
if you need to request medication that is not listed on your repeat medication list or is a one off please email the surgery at islandhealth.admin@nhs.net
In order for us to safely prescribe your medication, we need to review your medications regularly. We may not be able to issue your repeat prescriptions if your review date is overdue (this should be marked on your last prescription). If you are due a medication review, please book an appointment with our practice pharmacists using the Online consultation service everyday from 8am this service will be closed once it has reached capacity
CLick here for Online ConsultUnder new prescribing guidelines, we are unable to give medication to delay periods for religious reasons or travel under prescription (this includes travel for pilgrimages). We can also no longer provide a private prescription for this. If you would like to postpone your period, you can visit a pharmacy website such as Boots, Lloyds Pharmacy or Superdrug, have an online counselling session with a pharmacist and order the medication privately from them.